
  • 我國女性原住民地方議員候選人當選因素之探討
  • 小黨競選廣告中離散情緒訴求之效果: 以時代力量為例
    近年政治學者嘗試從競選策略解釋小黨的崛起,然而既有研究卻鮮少從競選廣告的角度解釋小黨如何爭取選民支持,且忽略以相同政治光譜的大小黨來檢視政黨偏好有別的選民,看待小黨廣告的差異反應。本研究以小黨競選廣告為主題,藉由情緒智能理論並輔以情緒維度論中的情緒效價(正面 vs. 負面),測試競選廣告中常見的情緒訴求(熱情 vs. 自豪 vs. 憤怒 vs. 希望 vs. 焦慮 vs. 恐懼)面對政黨偏好不同的選民時,對其政黨態度以及投票意願的影響。本文採用一因子組間實驗設計,透過操弄時代力量競選廣告,檢驗小黨情緒訴求之效果。實驗結果發現,當選民政黨偏好與廣告政黨一致時(即時代力量支持者看到時代力量廣告),性格系統下的熱情與自豪訴求使選民產生較佳的政黨態度與投票意願。當選民政黨偏好與廣告政黨不一致時(即民進黨支持者看到時代力量廣告),監控系統下的情緒希望與焦慮訴求會產生較佳效果。當選民無特定政黨偏好時,監控系統下的希望與恐懼訴求能產生較佳效果。本文除了補足情緒智能理論的研究缺口、拓展小黨政治行銷和情緒訴求研究,也提供競選實務上小黨如何設計競選廣告的相關建議。
  • Unravelling Mnemonic Manipulations in Electioneering: Investigating Mind Engineering in the Han Camp during the 2018 Election
    This study attempts to unravel mnemonic manipulation in electioneering. The results of the 2018 nine-in-one election in Taiwan can be explained by the “Han tide” and its spillover effects, and so this study aims to decipher the emergence of the Han tide using a memory-studies approach. While admitting that other social factors played a role in the formation of the Han tide, this study suggests that four elements were found in Han’s electioneering: (re)defining the present as negative and (re)directing attention to the future, switching the commemorative focus from politics to economics, encouraging people to forget the political past and embrace the economic future, and employing an awakening narrative to evoke change. Moreover, four additional aspects were observed in the Han tide: canceling the challenges of counter-narratives by redirecting people’s attention, solving the issue of lacking a shared past with Kaohsiung City, downplaying and/or editing “out” the negative aspects of “our side,” and degrading the mnemonic framing and nostalgic capital of the Democratic Progressive Party. Although scholars of memory studies have shed light on politics in memory, this study argues that memory in politics should also be emphasized by investigating more empirical cases.
    Hsin-yi Yeh