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Newspaper Coverage of the 2004 Presidential Election in Taiwan

  •  Ven-Hwei Lo, Huei-Hsing Wang, and Gee-Chin Hou
  •  2007 / 11  

    Volume 14, No.2



  •  10.6612/tjes.2007.14.02.95-120


This paper examines how major newspapers reported the campaign and candidates during the 2004 Presidential election in Taiwan. This study is based on a content analysis of presidential stories of four largest newspapers-the China Times, the United Daily News, the Liberty Times, and the Apple Daily. Results of this study showed that the Liberty Times was far more likely than the other three newspapers to give greater coverage to the ruling party candidates, to use pan blue officials as news sources, and to offer more news coverage favorable to the ruling party candidates than to other candidates.