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Party Identification and Party Image: A Combination of Face-to-Face Interview and Focus Group Interview

  •  Ching-Hsin Yu
  •  2002 / 11  

    Volume 9, No.2



  •  10.6612/tjes.2002.09.02.85-115


Taiwan's party system has experienced dramatic change since the 2000 presidential election. The linkage between the electorate and political parties has also been reshuffled. Based on face-to-face interview data and focus group interview data, this article intends to explore voter's party identification and party image after the 2000 election. These data indicate that plural majority of the electorate have identified themselves with the Democratic Progressive Party. There are also different social bases among the three major parties. Secondly, the contents of party image among the electorate are multifaceted. They include both positive and negative attitudes toward the parties' past performance and future expectation. Furthermore, the electorates' party image is affected by their own partisanship. Lastly, this article confirms the utilities of combining face- to-face interview and focus group interview in the study of crucial concepts in political science.