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"Single-Member Districts" and "Two Votes System": A Study in Comparative Parliamentary Elections of Germany, Japan, and Russia

  •  Tung-yeh Wu
  •  1996 / 05  

    Volume 3, No.1




One of the important principles to political democracy is to hold free election on regular basis. And the process shaIl also live up to the principle of faimess, justice, and openness. In Germany, Japan, and Russia, although each voter casts vote twice-one for a specific candidate to represent the local district and one for a party, the different electoral formula and the average district magnitude will cause different kinds of nationwide outcome. Even though half (or 2/3) of members are elected by single-member, single-plurality constituencies in Japan or Russia their entire systems are not the proportional representation of the Federal Republic of Germany. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the different practices and the impacts of "single-member districs" and "two votes system" in Germany, Japan, and Russia. The empirical study will also deal with gen-eral patterns and trends in the ROC's electoral reform.