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Personality Traits and Partisan Affect Difference

  •  Tsong-Jyi Ling and Yi-Ching Hsiao
  •  2021 / 11  

    Volume 28, No.2



  •  10.6612/tjes.202111_28(2).0001


This study applies partisan affect as an indicator to understand the political cleavage in Taiwan. The main purpose is to examine whether personality traits exert significant effects on shaping partisan affect. By means of telephone interviews, the research team successfully collected 1,601 samples. Hypotheses raised by this study focus on the direct and the moderating effects of personality traits on partisan affect. According to empirical evidence, conscientiousness exerts a positive and direct effect on partisan affect. Stronger conscientiousness leads to a larger difference of partisan affect. In addition, the moderating effects of three personality traits are demonstrated. Both conscientiousness and extroversion benefit the influence of party identification on partisan affect. In contrast, agreeableness reduces the effect of party identification on partisan affect.