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Reevaluation of the Effects of Kuomintang's Party Primary System

  •  Chung-Li Wu
  •  1998 / 11  

    Volume 5, No.2




The employment of the party primary has been controversial within the Kuomintang(KMT),critics charging it with some flaws: intra-party factions hindered the nominated candidates by support-ing opposition candidates in general elections; those who won in primary elections proved not necessarily electable in general elec-tions, since party identifiers were different from the electorate; it frequently led to sharper power struggles; it worsened the illegal practice of violence and vote-buying; aspirants underwent two cam-paigns for one election, spending energy and money twice; Taiwan's political climate seemed inapt for the practice of U.S.-style primary election system. By analyzing relevant data, I argue that the core problem of the party primary was its lack of fairness because KMT party cadres tried to monopolize the candidate selec-tion and thus failed to remain neutral. Throughout this essay and in the conclusion, I note that any political party appears likely to open its candidate selection practice in an attempt to continue its political dominance.